Each week as Rolling Hills makes our way through the New Testament book of Acts, daily readings that walk through its text will be shared that accompany the series so you can explore more deeply and more personally. Scroll down this page to find + download each week.

These readings come as a PDF document you can VIEW ONLINE or DOWNLOAD FOR VIEWING ON TABLET/DEVICE or PRINT directly for your own hard copy. 

And, if you are interested, you can also consider joining a small group that is walking through this very study. See

Groups at ChurchCenter


    Access Acts'  Weeks 1 + 2  Readings (9.15.24), click here:

    Weeks 1 & 2

    Access Acts'  Week 3  Readings  (9.29.24), click here:

    WEEK 3

    Access Acts'  Week 4  Readings  (10.6.24), click here:

    WEEK 4

    Access Acts'  Week 5  Readings  (10.13.24), click here:

    WEEK 5

    Access Acts'  Week 6  Readings  (10.27.24), click here:

    WEEK 6

    Access Acts'  Week 7  Readings  (11.3.24), click here:

    WEEK 7

    Access Acts'  Week 8  Readings  (11.10.24), click here:

    WEEK 8

    Access Acts'  Week 9  Readings  (11.24.24), click here:

    WEEK 9


    NO READINGS will be posted 12.1.24 (following Thanksgiving Week)

    Access Acts'  Week 10  Readings: 

    Coming 12.8.24

    Access Acts'  Week 11  Readings: 

    Coming 12.15.24

    Access Acts'  Week 12  Readings: 

    Coming 12.22.24

    Access Acts'  Week 13  Readings: 

    Coming 1.5.25